Sponsor the 2023 RBS&HF Golf Tournament
When the RBS&HF hosts an event, it brings together people from all corners of Colorado—and beyond. From coaches and firefighters to former-wrestlers-turned-CEOs and their friends and families, we gather 80 to 120 participants each year, and many more non-golfers who just like to be part of the fun. When you partner with the RBS&HF for the annual golf tournament, you support our key fundraiser that helps one Colorado wrestler get steps closer to achieving his or her academic dreams via a $10,000 scholarship that can be used toward any higher-education institution. Additionally, you help spread the core values of strength, honor, tenacity, grit, and compassion that Coach Barron tried to instill in everyone he coached or taught.
This year, we have a few new partnership opportunities beyond our traditional tiers listed in the flyer above.
T-Shirt Sponsor: You know Coach loved a good commemorative T-shirt! Your business logo appears on the official golf tournament T-shirts, to be worn around town by at least 100 golfers, plus other special perks.
Post-Golf BBQ Sponsor: Everyone's hungry after a round of golf. Make your business part of our special event by sponsoring our clubhouse BBQ after everyone finishes their round. We can offer you unique opportunities to go along with this partnership, too!
Snack-Cart Sponsor: Be the business that gets the party started and keeps the golfers hydrated by sponsoring the snack/beverage cart on the course. There are many options for this partnership, depending on what fits your needs.
We have opportunities for individuals to support at almost any level, so please reach out if you have ideas to explore or would like to nab one of these partnerships. Email rbstrengthandhonorfund@gmail.com or call (720) 938-0437.