Think your wrestler has what it takes?
The RBS&HF Scholarship process begins with a coach nomination. Read below for all criteria, and click the button to nominate a wrestler.
Each year, beginning in 2022, the Ray Barron Strength & Honor Fund will award a scholarship to an outstanding Colorado wrestler who exemplifies traits that were at the core of Coach Barron’s ideals.
Coach Barron believed the wrestler/coach connection was an essential component of success on and off the mat. Because of this, the application process begins with a coach nomination. Following an accepted nomination, the fund will send a link to the application to each nominated wrestler. The coach nomination is a simple form that can be accessed by clicking the link above.
The 2022 recipient will receive a $10,000 scholarship to the higher-education institution of their choice. Complete details, criteria, and rules will be posted on this site. Find full criteria here.