HHS Wrestling Room Dedication
If you ever walked through this door downstairs at Heritage High School, you know the magic (and blood, sweat, and tears) that happened in this room. You're intimately familiar the family and team spirit that lives in this space, and, as Coach Skarda said today, the walls that sweated with you. The dedication has Coach's name on it, but it's for all of you who worked so hard and gave so much of your lives to him and to your teammates.
Thank you to RC Myles and Dan Curran for spurring the movement that made this happen, to all the donors who helped create this beautiful homage, to everyone who attended today and crowded into the hallway outside this little piece of history, and to all who sent their thoughts and positivity from afar.
We're in awe of how Coach's legacy keeps going, and we appreciate all that you do to keep that momentum going so more good can be done in this community.
September 24, 2022, was a special day.