Save the Date!

Don’t miss this event! Sign up for more info now here.

We’ve been waiting for this moment for what seems like forever. Finally, the first-ever Ray Barron Strength & Honor Fund Golf Tournament is on the calendar! Block off the weekend of May 27 and 28, because you won’t want to miss this fun-filled time with friends and community.

The weekend will kickoff on Friday, May 27, with a social event. (It might also be one very special lady’s birthday. Her name starts with a J and ends with A-N-E.) Then, on Saturday, the golfing crew will take to the links for a round of ribbing, one-upping, storytelling…oh…and golfing.

How do you ensure that you get a spot in this can’t-miss event? Click here to complete a short form so we can keep in touch and provide you with all the details.

Coach’s golf outings with his former athletes, coaches, and friends was always a his favorite way to kickoff summer. We hope you can join us as we continue and build upon that tradition.


Congrats to the 2022 Scholarship Recipients!


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